Streams in the Veins
2024Chiaochi Chou, Youyang Hu, Young Jun Choi, Kaito Muramatsu
Ars Electronica Center_ Futurelab AI x Music
Streams in the Veins conducts a
piano ensemble involving a human pianist and plants. During this performance,
the transmission of sound from various pianos leads agents, humans and plants
interactions,leading into a continuous cycle of communicative improvisation.
This process examines an interactive approach to non-human agency within the
framework of interspecies co-creation, specifically through the medium of
music. Through our attempts at musical sessions with plants, we were able to
experience the temporal differences in the umwelt of plants compared to humans,
such as their distinct response times to external stimuli and the resulting
differences in perceptual worlds. One wonders what differences lies in attitude
that exists between mutually controlling, learning, and influencing one